Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Easy Money

KIPLINGER, gives some excellent keys to investing success. These keys are well-known and followed by successful investors. We suggest you paste them to your memory.


Key # 1: Make Investing a Habit
Key # 2: Set Exciting Goals
Key #3: Avoid Unnecessary Risks
Key #4: Keep Time on Your Side
Key #5: Diversify

The Five Keys to Investing Success


Money Crashers gives some valuable tips on help to behave on you're interview for that J.O.B.

1). Dress to impress, but don’t go over the top.

2). Be Prepared to Answer and Ask Impromptu Questions.

3). Let your body language do the talking.

4). Be Honest and Genuine.

Scoring Big On A Job Interview

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ga,ga over Google

Investors have been in love with Google since the IPO launched at $85 in August 2004. Yesterday, it hit $500 a share for the first time. Pretty good return on investment for those who got in early. Google has been a success story since it's inception 8 years ago. Investors continue to pour the dough into Google, helping it to pass tech heavy-weights like Intel and Hewlett-Packard.

Google Stock Tops $500, And Boeing Leads Gain in Dow

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Avoid a Holiday Hangover!

Financial sage Suze Orman, hooks us up with 5 ways to let our wallets stay in line this holiday season.

1. Double the cost of anything you buy with a credit card and don't intend to pay off when the bill comes next month.
2. Disorganization will cost you big-time.
3. Decline store card offers.
4. Handle your gift card with care.
5. You can't buy friends or love.

Five Ways to Avoid Holiday Overspending

Market Eye


The Real World

Personal Finance for Young People drops knowledge on budgeting and how to deal with it.

"So we have to be realistic about what we really want, and what we are willing to work for. When I was a teen living at home, theoretically, I could save every penny I earned, and retire now. In theory that sounds good, but the reality is that I wasn’t willing then, nor am I now, to make that kind of sacrifice. There are some things that I just can’t live without. There are others that, while I could live without them, I choose not too. There are yet others that I really don’t care one way or another about, but I usually wind up getting them anyways. This has always been the case for me, and I’m sure it’s not that different for you."
Budget might suck, but debt suck ways more.
So What?

To invest, or not to invest...

Young Money gives a good insight into whether a recent college grad should focus on paying off debt first, or investing right away.


Ask YOUNG MONEY: Should I pay off debt or invest?

Reality Check for your Ass!

Our friends across the pond, put us in check about the worsening debt situation that exists today.

"Louise Brittain, head of personal insolvency at accountants Baker Tilly, said: 'There has been a huge cultural change. We live in a now, pay later' or even 'buy now, don't even think about paying later' society.
'Millions are living beyond their means because they think they are entitled to do so. They are living off 'buy their credit cards."

That being said, some of these peep's in the worst cases are "passed the point of no return". Now, might be a good time to send the plastic to the shredder.

Never-ending debt hits 2m

Follow your own rules

Smart Money serves up some great advice on how to decide what picks to make:

"The best research, and thus, the best decision, is always the one you make from your own informed perspective.... The one piece of information that matters most to your bottom line: price action. If you're going to profitably trade stocks, you should start by observing them. Nothing is more informative than the price of the actual security in which you're considering taking a position."

Follow the Trend, Not the Crowd

Monday, November 20, 2006

Back 2 Basics- I.R.A. Edition

3 Common mistakes can also be the most costly when it comes to dealing with your Individual Retirement Account. If, you're not familiar with IRAs now's a good time to introduce yourself. If you do know about, these mistakes can still help you avoid a devastating scenario.

3 Costly IRA Mistakes

Market Eye

Dow 12,342.56 +36.74
Nasdaq 2,445.86 unch
S&P 1,401.20 unch
10-Yr Note 100.16 unch

7:58 AM ET.

They call me threats!

Hey, MSN gives us a gem of how and when to use threats of taking your business elsewhere in order to get discounts and other perks. Just be sure to use it right and well.

Get a better deal . . . with a threat

Whats your score?

Do you know you FICO score? Better yet, do you know what it is? SmartMoney gives a article on just how important this magic number is and the various ways it is used.

"It affects everything from the interest rates you pay on loans and credit cards to the size of your insurance premiums."

Knowledge is being dropped everywhere

The good peeps at Your Credit Advisor, give us a wealth of tips that some may have never learned. Great stuff!

"But if college is partly about training us for a job, shouldn't we learn what to do with the money we earn from a job? Especially in a country where 45% of college students are in credit card debt and 40% of all Americans say they live beyond their means, I think it's time to wise up to some of the challenges of money management. A few (say, 102) simple rules can help get your financial life (back) on the right track."

Where to put your bread?

Finance4Youth gives us good tips on the differences between banks and creadit unions and which be better.

Lots of available locations Most are part of Co-Op Network
May have many local branches May be part of Shared BranchNetwork
All branches can access all account features
Larger, usually can offer more products or services Smaller, usually can offer more “personal” service
Greater asset size should mean more technologically advanced Because of community status, may bemore willing to experiment with new technologies
Are, “Not for Profit”, so income is reinvested to members
Usually offer higher savings rate and lower loan rates, due to “Not for Profit” status

Banks vs. Credit Unions

If you get a fax from NIgeria ignore it! In related news, if you get candy from a stranger throw it out!

It seems more and more people are getting scammed through various criminall networks in Nigeria.

"Meanwhile, it has been estimated Nigeria-style fee frauds, where a conman sends an email looking for help to spirit looted funds out the country, costs the UK economy £150m each year."

We like to files this under the don't talk to strangers rules that we thought was obvious. Sigh.

Nigerian scams cost UK billions

Friday, November 17, 2006

Market Eye

I'm bringing sexy back!

Getting paper is becoming sexy. Good work sherlock.

“The interest in investing as a whole is increasing,” said Todd Romer, executive director of Young Money magazine, distributed on college campuses. “There are more stock clubs on campus today. The stock market is becoming sexy.”

And if ya don't know, ya better ask somebody.

Mutual funds for young investors

Nightmare on Financial Street

Young Money gives examples of students fears about money matters in college and how to overcome them.

“Entrepreneurship is key when you’re in college,” says Todd Romer, Executive Director of YOUNG MONEY. “If you’re willing to get a little creative, there are part-time jobs to be found everywhere you look.”

The 21st Century Hustle

Social networking is all the rage these days. One new site, Tagworld is doing big things. Tagged as a myspace killer, it allows ease of entrepreneurship.

"We're the first social site to allow people to actually put items on their Web site without any hassles," TagWorld President Evan Rifkin told the E-Commerce Times. "How many people have bought something on eBay?" Rifkin asked rhetorically. "Quite a few. But how many people have sold stuff? That number is probably drastically different."

Getting paper gets easier and easier. Be sure to get some.

Social Networking Goes E-commerce

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Playstation 3- More expensive than crack!

Money Crashers clues us in on an interesting way to get a instant profit.

"Most of you have heard about this, and it is true. People with pre-ordered PS3’s are selling them on Ebay, and people are actually buying them for $1,500, $1,700, even $2,200!"

The high demand for PS3, combined with the limited supply is a classic case of pushing prices higher.

Money Crashers

T.I.P.S.- To Insure Proper Savings

Finance4Youth drops knowledge on smart savings ideas for youth. Simple tips that provide good protection.

Smart Savings for Youth

Rates Alert!

Citibank Direct offers the Citibank e-Savings account with a 5.00% APY.
  • FDIC insured
  • No monthly fees
  • No minimum balance
Citibank e-Savings account

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Is it in you?

BusinessWeek gives an interesting look at the entrepreneurial spirit and asks the question of wether one is born with it.

"Steve Hindy, co-founder of the Brooklyn Brewery and co-author of Beer School: Bottling Success at the Brooklyn Brewery: I think everyone is born with an entrepreneurial spark, a drive to create something, a product or a service that will fulfill them, pay the bills, and afford some leisure. Some of us fan that spark into a flame and forge a business. It is deeply satisfying to create a business and see it become part of the world around you. By celebrating entrepreneurship, by recounting the hard knocks tales of entrepreneurs, and by studying their triumphs and screw-ups, business schools absolutely can nurture more entrepreneurs."

Is There a Gene for Business?

What's the 401?

Does your company offer a 401(k)? If you don't know you better ask somebody. 401(k) is one of the easiest ways to save for retirement. However, some of us make mistakes when it comes to this important issue. Our friends at Money Crashers give us 5 mistakes to avoid when it comes to 401(k)'s.
Five 401(k) Mistakes to Avoid

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


With the hectic pace of real estate the past few years, it seems everyone has an opinion on what to do. While, it's pretty much known that homeownership is one of the keys to wealth, sometimes certain markets may make renting more favorable for the time being. The Fool gives some helpful insight:

"Renting in such a case may be a good strategy. Let's say you buy a house and then have to sell it within two to three years. The various buying and selling costs alone will probably amount to a significant amount of money. Will the house have appreciated enough to cover those costs? It's possible, but not guaranteed. Heck, just as with the stock market, over a short period of time, the value of your investment may even decline."

It's The 11 Cash Commandments...

Straight from the good people at Money Crashers:

The 11 Indispensible Principles of a Money Crasher:

1. Always spend less than you make.
2. Do not believe in money myths.
3. Get out of debt and stay out of debt.
4. Save money for the unexpected
5. Pay for education with cash.
6. Find creative ways to boost your income.
7. Invest for the long-term and keep it simple.
8. Educate yourself about real estate, cars, and financial products.
9. Avoid scams and financial predators.
10. Give, Give, and Give more.
11. You and your spouse are a team!

Market Eye


Cheesburger or your dream

MSN Money brings us info on paying off huge debts in a hurry.

"How did they do it? Among other things:

  • They made debt payoff a priority, although most continued to save for retirement as well.
  • They kept their basic living expenses as low as possible.
  • They looked for creative ways to speed up their debt repayment, and some took extra work. (Cards, for example, volunteered for overtime and took a second job. Wilkinson, a lawyer, moonlighted as a package loader on a FedEx loading dock.)
It's focus. This is what I really want to do," Thompson said. "I ask myself, 'Do I want this cheeseburger or my dream?' I always pick my dream."

Huge Debts, paid off fast

Monday, November 13, 2006

Debt is such a bitch!

Debt sucks! And with our generation of graduates having more than ever, many of us are forced to move back home. That could put a serious crimping on you pimping.

After the jump, Sam Goller gives some tips on how to avoid this could-be pitfall.

How to Stay Out of Your Parents’ Basement

Less can become more

Now's the time to start investing. You don't need much money. They will le you buy even 1 or 2 shares. Just invest.

"And you don't need an advanced business degree to learn good investing skills. 'When you break it down, they're very simple concepts to understand,' Dayana Yochim, senior writer for The Motley Fool, says. There are an array of books and Web sites you can use to educate yourself (check out the list at the bottom of this article)."

And you can use sites like Sharebuilder to buy stocks for $4 or less.

The Young Investor

It's pretty pimp to say you're CEO

Start your own businesses. Now's the time.

"The entrepreneurship phenomenom is not going away. Expect to see more schools start related programs as even more students catch the fever and make plans to start their own businesses."

The age of entrepreneurship is here

Oh no she di'int!

So this mother uses her children's social security numbers to obtain credit cards. How motherly!

"In the five years since his divorce, Eric Wagenhauser had moved on with his life. He had remarried and was sharing custody of the three children from his first marriage. Then, last year, Mr. Wagenhauser discovered a new wrinkle on American divorce: his former wife had used the children’s Social Security numbers to apply for nine credit cards in their names. She obtained two."

Identity happens more than you may think. Turns out, half the time it's those closest to you. Be sure to protect yourself.

Identity Thief Is Often Found in Family Photo

Chances are...you're not thinking about dying.

Death is an inevitable fact of life. But when we're young we're immune...or so we think. It's a good idea to designagte a will no matter how much money we have.

"Although you might associate the need for "estate planning" with the mega-rich, designating beneficiaries is actually one of the first steps in creating an estate plan; creating a will is another. Moreover, with soaring real-estate values across the country, you don't have to consider yourself extremely wealthy to contemplate setting up a trust."

Who gets it when you die?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Invest like a Billionaire: Sam Zell

Forbes drops knowledge of how billionaire club member, Sam Zell earned his....billions.

"A self-proclaimed “professional opportunist,” Samuel Zell founded his privately-held investment outfit Equity Group Investments with Robert Lurie, a fraternity brother, in 1968. The duo started out buying up cheap real estate throughout the U.S. from distressed owners, and then kept buying when values recovered and boomed."

After the jump, read a short bio and learn his 5 investing rules.

Invest Like A Billionaire: Sam Zell